
Monday, February 4, 2013

Vivaldi and Music for My Munchkins

Last Sunday evening we had an elderly gentleman visit us at the Duck and Cherry. He told about how he had sung to his unborn son many years ago and elaborated on Vivaldi and how his music affects us.

I was proud to tell him that I played Vivaldi's Four Seasons for my children on Sunday mornings as they were growing up and that I had actually played it that same morning.

It's not just Vivaldi.
Baroque music--Händel, Bach, Telemann, and Monteverdi--will do the same for our senses.

This is because the music is symmetrical, changing between faster and slower parts, high and low notes. We become relaxed, while our brain stays active. It's wonderful for studying, for memorizing words and structures, and also problem solvings. It stimulates our senses and our attention.
Simply put, the music will actually stimulate our right side of the brain so that images will form with the words we study to help us remember even better. It also affects our breathing and helps with stress symptoms. Sometimes dentists and doctors use this type of music to calm patients.

I sang to Linnea's little girl the other day. She is still cuddling and growing in her mama's belly, but come May we will meet her and get to know her.
She is now able to hear and enjoy music.

Read another blog entry on Tales from the Duck and Cherry about an experiment with mice and classical music:

Today's water color is of four friends taking a stroll in the park.

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