Charles Lamb
How do you feel on New Year's Eve? What are your thoughts?
Are you nostalgic, thinking through all that happened during the year which has now come to an end?
Are there things unsaid? Things undone?
Are you sad, regretful, bitter?
Are you grateful, enthusiastic, hopeful?
Probably, most of these feelings zoom by each and every one of us, but which ones do we allow to linger and become part of ourselves and our thinking?
I am always in awe as I stand at the threshold of a new year. What does it have in store? What awaits as I step across and into new, unknown territory. Insecurity approaches, sneakingly. It festers and grabs hold of my thoughts. Because I so much want to be a better person, develop talents, reach goals, accomplish projects I am half-way through.
I believe in goal-setting. I believe in positive thinking and dreaming. Without dreams, how may dreams come true? Many of my dreams and goals are now part of the book of Heidi. I have reached the finish line for some of them.
So what about 2014? Which goals and dreams do you have for the new year? My suggestion is to make a list--not too long--and share it with someone special. Let this person check up on you a few times throughout the year to see how you are progressing. Include on that list personal growth, spiritual and uplifting points, and other matters pertaining to career and life itself. I will join you and do the same.
Happy New Year!
Today's art is my oil painting, "Lamb and Lion".